Describe the business you have chosen

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697771

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Think about a business in which you are familiar (Real estate broker, mom and pop shop, retail clothing, retail electronics, automotive repair shop, etc.)

Describe the business you have chosen and why it interests you.

If you were to open the same type of business what business entity would you use (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, S Corp, LLC, etc.) and why?

Would you be comfortable competing against a friend or relative business-wise? Explain.

Assignment Details

This discussion has three parts.

Leadership varies widely by culture and personality. An international organization with locations in several countries must balance the local customs and cultures with those of the primary culture of the organization's headquarters.

Discuss what you believe would be the different organizational culture and local culture aspects that you would have to take into consideration if your company was expanding into Germany?

Would the consideration be different if the company expanded into Japan?

Give specific examples that would affect the organizational culture in both of these countries taking into consideration that the organizational headquarters is in the United States.

Reference no: EM131697771

Questions Cloud

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Describe the business you have chosen : If you were to open the same type of business what business entity would you use (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, S Corp, LLC, etc.) and why?
Importance of adjusting cash flows for inflationary effects : Inflation is expected to be 5 percent per year for the next five years. The discount rate of 10 percent is composed of two elements.
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Calculate the npv for each investment using a discount rate : Discount Rates, Automated Manufacturing, Competing Investments Patterson Company is considering two competing investments.
What is the role of leadership in developing the code : What process should be used to identify the relevant elements to include in the code of conduct?


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