Describe the business operation

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131717290

Assignment : Forecasting/Scheduling

Successfully introducing a new business product or service requires significant planning. Forecasting allows the company to estimate the extent of the changes in operations by looking at levels, trends, and seasonality of the demand for the product or service.

A scheduling tool such as a Gantt chart, program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT) chart, or work breakdown structure (WBS) provides a way to identify and organize required activities into a logical order.

In this assignment, you will select a project-scheduling tool and use it to develop the business flow for the rollout of a new product or service.

For example, a call center is considered a service operation. The new service rollout could be the expansion of the call center to a second location or establishing the call center overseas.

In a manufacturing environment, such as a mattress manufacturer, the rollout of a new product could be the expansion of the product line to include futons. In the automotive industry, the rollout could be the expansion of the product line to include hybrid vehicles.

Using the module readings, the University online library resources, and the Internet, identify and select a company you will use for this assignment. This company must be different from the one chosen for M2: Assignment 2. APPLE iPHONE - Then, complete the following:

Describe the business operation you are considering for the forecast and scheduling of your expansion.

What type of forecasting method would be appropriate for the company and the product or service selected? Why?

Choose one of the following project scheduling tools: Gantt chart, PERT chart, or work breakdown structure (WBS).

Use the chosen scheduling tool to document the scheduling process for the rollout of a new product or service.

Provide a rationale for the selection of the scheduling tool.

Submit a 2-3-page paper in Word format and attach a Gantt chart, a PERT chart, or a WBS developed in MS Project.

For the development of the Gantt or PERT chart, you can also download a trial version of visual or graphic design software such as SmartDraw. Include a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete your research.

Your writing should be clear, concise, and organized. Demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of resources. Display accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA formatting for citing of sources.

Reference no: EM131717290

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