Describe the benefits of cultural diversity

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Reference no: EM132376817 , Length: word count:5300

Culture and Community Assignment


Q1. Select three (3) strategies from the options below that you can use to ensure you show respect for cultural diversity in all communication and interactions with clients, colleagues, and co-workers.

i. Imitate their style of clothing.

ii. Avoid difficult and uncommon words and idiomatic expressions.

iii. Imitate their accent to make them feel like others speak the same way.

iv. Pronounce all words clearly. Avoid slurring your words.

v. Speak slowly, not loudly.

vi. Speak slowly and loudly.

vii. Point out what is different about them.

viii. Always affirm everything they say or do.

Q2. From the options below, select four (4) reasons why it is important to take into account cultural considerations when resolving differences sensitively.

i. Culture dictates one's attitude towards others.

ii. Culture influences individual attitudes.

iii. Culture can influence language concepts.

iv. Culture is an excuse to forgive bad behaviour.

v. Culture influences communication styles.

vi. Culture imposes one's beliefs on others.

vii. Culture influences ideas about respect.

viii. Culture dictates who should be followed when making decisions.

Q3. Consider your cultural identity and the different aspects of Australian work and life provided below.

In your own words, describe the benefits of cultural diversity in the different aspects of Australian work and life.

Guidance: Discuss why having many individuals from different cultures is good for our society. Include in your discussion the effect of age, education, language, race, religion, etc. in these aspects.

Include a short discussion of your own cultural identity.

Your own cultural identity:





Q4. Cultural Influences

a. From the choices below, identify five (5) cultural influences and changing cultural practices that have shaped the Australia of today.

b. From the five you have selected, choose two (2) and briefly explain how you see their influence manifest in Australia today.

a) Select five (5) from these choices:

i. Presence of Western culture in Australia

ii. Many Australians have blue eyes

iii. The existence of a democratic system of government

iv. Dominance of the English language in Australia

v. Population growth

vi. The presence of marsupials in Australia

vii. Evidence of a significant Anglo-Celtic heritage

viii. The diverse input of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

b) How you see this influence is manifested in Australia today.

Q5. Identify which of these aspects of human interaction are affected by cultural practices and experiences.

a. Personal behaviour

b. Interpersonal relationships

c. Perception of others

d. Social expectations of others

Match these to the given examples of diversity practices and experiences below:

i. Some cultures expect children to move out of their parents' home when they turn eighteen years old; while in some cultures, children stay with their parents even until after they have families of their own.

ii. A culture provides a set of boundaries relating to personal behaviour that determine what experiences are acceptable and what are not.

iii. In more liberated or modern cultures, it is considered "normal" to be close friends with someone from the opposite sex; while in more conservative cultures, having a close relationship with someone of the opposite sex who is not your wife or husband is considered inappropriate.

iv. People from cultures where the women are typically covered in traditional garments might perceive women who do not cover themselves the same way as too provocative.

Q6. Legislation and Childhood Education and Care Services:

a. Identify the piece of legislation related to discrimination against the features of diversity listed below.

b. Discuss the impact of each piece of legislation on work and social practices in Early Childhood Education and Care services. This may be in the form of rights or responsibilities of workers, employers, or clients.

c. Cite the one (1) consequence of breaching each of these pieces of legislation.


Relevant legislation or regulation

Implications of this legislation on work and social practices

Consequences of breach

i. Age

ii. Sex

iii. Race

iv. Disability

Q7. Childcare policies, procedures, and practices:

a) Identify two (2) nationally recognised governing systems followed by childcare centres across Australia.

b) Provide two (2) examples of initiatives to support the participation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people within your service.

Guidance: As answers may vary depending on the childcare centre policies, procedures, or practices you are using as reference, provide answers that are generally accepted across different childcare centres.

Q8. Select three (3) statements that describe the role of cultural and language interpreters.

i. A language interpreter speaks on behalf and makes decisions for the party they represent.

ii. A cultural interpreter bridges the gap between cultures to create a mutual understanding of facts and what is being communicated between two parties.

iii. A language interpreter must translate all statements in verbatim, regardless of literal or idiomatic expression, in order to avoid misunderstanding between two parties.

iv. A language interpreter must understand much more than just a second language.

v. A cultural interpreter must understand the cultural, economic, and political differences between two cultures in order to create seamless communication between individuals from vastly different cultures.

Q9. Review the Sparkling Stars Policies and Procedures.

Answer the questions that follow.

a. Bertana is new in your class. She is six years old and of Aboriginal descent. English is not her first language, and she has trouble participating in class because she has to remember the English equivalent of words first before saying them aloud.

Identify one (1) strategy you can employ in Bertana's case, according to the Sparkling Stars Access and Equity Policy.

b. Suppose you are able to speak French with relative fluency. One of your students, Sebastien, is French. He has displayed less than desirable behaviours in your class in a number of instances. You wish to speak to his parents who do not speak English very well. Should you speak to Sebastien's parents in French?

Check either 'yes' or 'no', then identify the strategy or guideline in the Sparkling Stars Access and Equity Policy to justify your answer:



Strategy/guideline in the Sparkling Stars Access and Equity Policy.

c. The parents of the students of Sparkling Stars visit the centre frequently, either to pick up their children or speak to the staff regarding their child's progress and other concerns.

Does Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre have the responsibility to provide a safe environment that caters to the parents' safety needs?

Select one (1) option from below, then identify the guideline in the Sparkling Stars Child Protection Policy to justify your answer:

Yes, the needs of parents must be taken into account.

No, the centre only caters to the needs of children.

Guideline in the Sparkling Stars Access and Equity Policy.

d. Tino is consistently displaying unacceptable behaviour at the centre. He pushes other children and takes their things against their will.

Refer to the Sparkling Stars policy on Guiding Children's Behaviour. Select three (3) procedures below that are acceptable ways to deal with the child:

i. Speak to Tino about his behaviour, making sure he understands the limits of what is acceptable.

ii. Tell the other children to speak to the Director about the issue.

iii. Speak to Tino's parents, so they may punish him at home.

iv. Speak to Tino's parents to ensure that there is no conflict between the expectations of his behaviour at Sparkling Stars and at home.

v. Design a "Behaviour Management Program" for Tino with his family.

e. In reference to the Sparkling Stars policy on Guiding Children's Behaviour, what is one strategy that can help a child from a different culture understand what acceptable behaviour is in the centre? Select one (1).

i. Comparing the child to other children

ii. Role modelling acceptable behaviour

iii. Lecturing the child and his parents

iv. Isolating the child until his behaviour changes

Q10. Select two (2) scenarios where cultural misunderstandings between two parties might occur.

i. Rinka is a Russian student, studying in Melbourne for a semester due to her parents' work. Tanya is a Filipino student who has recently moved to Australia. Rinka and Tanya attend some classes together. They do not have the same taste in music.

ii. John, an African-American student, is taller than Frederique, a French student. Sometimes, Frederique asks John for help if he needs to reach something from a high place.

iii. Amanda, a native of Texas, is outgoing and freely speaks her mind during office meetings and gatherings. Michi, a native of Tokyo, is more conservative and thinks one should be more reserved, especially in the office.

iv. During the enrolment of a new child from Southeast Asia, it is the father who answers every one of the questions about the family and the child. The child's mother is quiet and simply nods in agreement. The interviewer finds this behaviour unusual.

v. Hans removes his shoes whenever he visits the house of Jae, his Korean friend. Jae does not need to remove his shoes at Hans' house, so he keeps them on.

Q11. Among the choices below, select five (5) approaches one can take to resolve cultural misunderstandings in a sensitive way, upholding the rights and responsibilities of workers, employers, and clients in a childcare centre.

i. Confront cultural discrimination in the workplace and show no tolerance for it, but do so in a non-violent manner.

ii. Don't assume all disagreements between people of different cultures have a cultural component.

iii. Assert the fact that people should follow only the culture of the place that they are in. Their native culture should be left with their native land.

iv. Create opportunities for the parties to validate the concerns of each other. This includes the recognition and constructive expression of differences.

v. Always give in to the wishes of those who are new or visiting the country, as they are not used to the culture of the land.

vi. Investigate the cultural norms of the people that are involved in the dispute. It could be a matter of misunderstanding.

vii. Do not deal with anyone from a different cultural background, to avoid potential conflicts.

viii. Respect the other person's point of view.

Q12. Select five (5) statements below that explain what cultural competence is.

i. Cultural competence implies getting high marks in History and Geography classes.

ii. Cultural competence is the ability to effectively interact with people from cultures different from our own.

iii. Cultural competence involves developing skills for communication and interaction across cultures foreign to our own.

iv. Cultural competence is knowing important phrases in different languages in order to travel to foreign countries.

v. Cultural competence includes developing positive attitudes towards different cultures.

vi. Cultural competence is respecting different ways of knowing, seeing, and living.

vii. Cultural competence is successfully convincing others how important your culture is.

viii. Cultural competence is gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews.

Q13. Research in the following experiences of the Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islanders. On the spaces provided, write the corresponding letter of these experiences to their effects on indigenous people:

E - European settlement and the impacts of colonisation

L - Loss of land and culture

I - Importance of law and kinship

i. Exposure to new diseases

ii. Drastic decline in Aboriginal population

iii. Physical or geographical structuring of the society

iv. Low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness

v. Legal problems

vi. Formation of tribes or "nations"

vii. Forced to live on the outskirts of cities or public housing

viii. Involvement in violent conflict, resulting in the death of a vast number of the Aboriginal peoples.

Q14. In the space provided below, write A if the given statement describes Aboriginal culture, T if the given statement describes Torres Strait Islander culture, and the number 2 if the given statement refers to both cultures.

i. They are nomadic people who are indigenous to mainland Australia and Tasmania.

ii. These people are traders, seafarers, and agriculturists.

iii. Majority of these people speaks the Pama-Nyungan languages.

iv. They believe in Dreamtime.

v. Their stories feature the Rainbow Serpent.

vi. Their stories are focused on the stars and sky.

vii. These people speak the languages Kala Lagaw Ya and Meriam Mir.

viii. They have a spiritual connection with the land.

Q15. Access the National Quality Framework (NQF), the National Quality Standards (NQS), and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), and answer the following questions:

a) The NQF and NQS are relatively long documents. Select two (2) ways you can easily navigate through these resources to find relevant content easily.

i. Call a friend

ii. Look through the table of contents

iii. Use the 'search' function (for digital copies)

iv. Refer to other texts

v. Regulation 167

b) Cite one (1) website where you can access each of the following:

You may repeat your answers.




c) Review Chapter 6: Cultural Competence of the Educators' Guide to the EYLF. Fill in the blanks:

i. ____ building is fundamental to cultural competence and is based on the foundations of understanding each other's ____ and ____, and subsequently building on the ____ of each other's knowledge, using a wide range of community members and resources to build on their ____.

ii. The five ____ and the ____ are critical to the development of cultural competence.

iii. "____ can be defined as 'what we create beyond our biology. Not given to us, but made by us'".

iv. As culturally competent educators, we need to think deeply about how our work can support each child's developing ____ and ____.

d) Under the NQS, there are a number of sections relevant to embedding cultural competence into the workplace. For each of the elements of the NQS standards below, specify the element descriptor and cite one (1) way that you can uphold this in the classroom.

e) The Education and Care Services National Law and National Regulations (2018) describes how a centre should consider the family and cultural values, age, and physical and intellectual development and abilities of each child. Which of the National Regulations does it state are relevant to this? Select two (2).

Regulation 154

Regulation 155

Regulation 163

Regulation 167

Regulation 168

f) The Education and Care Services National Law and National Regulations (2018) has a reference to Child Enrolment Records. Which of the regulations are relevant to keeping child enrolment records? Select three (3).

Regulation 24

Regulation 99

Regulation 101

Regulation 102

Regulation 125

Regulation 133

Regulation 157

Regulation 160

Regulation 161

Regulation 162

Q16. Identify if the following impacts in the workplace and communities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are due to past power relations or present power relations.

On the spaces provided, write PAST if the impact is brought about by past power relations, and PRESENT if the impact is brought about by present power relations.

i. Colonisation / invasions

ii. Self-determination

iii. UNESCO National Inquiry into Stolen Generation

iv. National Sorry Day

v. Sharing of power

vi. Enforced the English language

vii. Mutual mentoring

viii. Aboriginal Protection Board

Q17. Identify whether the following are human needs, human rights, or both. On the spaces provided, write N if what is indicated is a human need, R if the item is related to human rights, and the number 2 if it is both. Leave the space blank if it is neither a need nor a right.

i. a nationality

ii. clean water

iii. use of mobile devices

iv. recognition as a person before the law

v. education

vi. shelter

vii. ownership of a house

Q18. True or false. On the spaces provided, write T if the given statements are true, and F if they are false.

i. All human needs are human rights.

ii. It is possible that some human needs are not human rights.

iii. Owning a home is a human right.

iv. Owning a home is a privilege, not a right.

v. Not all human rights are human needs.

Q19. Match the following key areas of diversity with their descriptions. On the spaces provided, write the number of the corresponding answer.

1 - Culture

2 - Race

3 - Ethnicity

4 - Disability

5 - Religious or spiritual belief

6 - Homosexual 7 - Gender

8 - Transgender

9 - Sexual orientation

10 - Sexual identity

11 - Intersex

12 - Generational

i. A division of the human race that possesses a specific characteristic

ii. A condition, whether physical and/or mental, that limits a person's movements, senses, and/or activities

iii. Individual practice adhering to the idea of a higher being/s

iv. Attitudes, behaviours, and practices of a particular social group

v. Individuals with anatomies not considered typically male or female

vi. A group of people composed of individuals from varying age groups

vii. Belonging to a group that has a common national or cultural tradition

viii. A person's sexual identity in relation to whom they are attracted

ix. One whose self-identity does not conform to conventional notions of male or female genders

x. The state of being male or female, though not necessarily in the physical sense

xi. A person who is sexually attracted to their own sex; may identify as gay or lesbian

xii. How a person sees oneself as either male or female, and how they present themselves to others

Q20. True or false. On the spaces provided, write T if the given statements are true, and F if they are false.

i. Children from Indigenous families who are being taken away "for their own good" suffer negative effects in the long term.

ii. Diversity is present only when people of different races and ethnicities are involved.

iii. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families may resist participation in Early Childhood Education and Care settings because they want to protect both themselves and their children from experiencing racism.

iv. Low expectations of Aboriginal children in schools may come about as the result of stereotyping and racism from early childhood workers.

v. English is not the first language of many Aboriginal children, so retaining information taught in the classroom may be difficult.

vi. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people cannot be included in the national census unless they have homes with land titles.

vii. Some Aboriginal families may not want to use services that are seen as catering to families from lower socio-economic groups because they do not want their own family to be identified with this group.

viii. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families are reluctant to trust and deal with mainstream services, particularly those services connected with child welfare agencies, because of the connection to the history of the Stolen Generations.

ix. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families are no longer reluctant to trust and deal with mainstream services, particularly those services connected with child welfare agencies, because of the connection to the history of the Stolen Generations.

x. Forcing children from Indigenous families to learn English is justified because they are now able to express themselves freely at school.

xi. The definition of diversity includes people of different cultural backgrounds, even if they are of the same race or ethnicity.

Q21. Identify the ways early childhood educators can uphold an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student's cultural safety. Select six (6).

i. Include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander books, stories, music, and dance in the classroom.

ii. Encourage children to learn and, when appropriate, use their native language.

iii. Encourage the child to imitate the other non-Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children, so they would fit in and not be bullied.

iv. Remind the child to wash their hands often because their home is most likely dirty.

v. Build good relationships with the student's family.

vi. Remind the child that they should accept the fact that their culture will never be as rich as it used to be.

vii. Patronise the child so they will not feel the shame of being corrected.

viii. Encourage the children to wear the Aboriginal colours of black, red, and yellow and to learn more about the Aboriginal culture during NAIDOC week.

ix. Play areas, equipment, toys, and activities are chosen specifically to reflect the diversity of age and cultural background of the children.

x. Encourage other students to learn some words in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander language.

Q22. Select six (6) statements that are true about cultural safety and human rights.

i. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 is limited to prohibiting adults from discriminating against other adults.

ii. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 prohibits Aboriginal children from being denied of education based on their race.

iii. The Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 prohibits the discrimination of individuals based on culture and belief (among others). In effect, indigenous people need not deny or otherwise downplay their cultural pride outside their local areas.

iv. The Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 prohibits the discrimination of individuals based on culture and belief (among others). However, one must still avoid displaying elements of their own culture (like traditional garments), as these will cause unease among others from different backgrounds.

v. The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and The Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 can help indigenous peoples uphold their own cultures outside of their local communities.

vi. Discrimination based on sex does not apply to childcare centres, as it is accepted that women make better carers for children.

vii. There must be policies and procedures in individual workplaces based on the local state or territory legislation against the discrimination of any person.

viii. Equity, inclusion, and diversity underpin the National Quality Framework.

ix. The National Quality framework only deals with the quality of the curricula delivered in educational centres.

x. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is one of the documents that childcare centres must adhere to.

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Reference no: EM132376817

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9/26/2019 1:39:56 AM

This assessment is my own work, based on my own study and research and no part of it has been copied from any other source, except where due acknowledgement/reference has been made. This assessment is suited as a summative assessment in a learning and assessment pathway. The timeframe and deadlines for the assessment will be negotiated between yourself, the student, and your assessor. Your assessor could be the same or a different person to your trainer. In order to be assessed as competent, you will need to show sufficient evidence which demonstrates that you can perform the required competencies to the required standard. You also need to show you can demonstrate these skills, attitude and knowledge consistently, confidently and sometimes in a variety of situations.


9/26/2019 1:39:48 AM

Question and Answer - (written or verbal) - You will have a set of written questions to complete. Your assessor is likely to ask you to verbally verify some of your answers. INSTRUCTIONS - Please write your answers clearly in the space provided. All questions must be answered, please ask your assessor if you don’t understand any of the questions. If you require more space attach a page clearly marked with your name, the name of the unit of competency (which can be obtained from the front of this Assessment booklet and the question you are responding to. Some questions may require you to reference the learning materials provided by Queensford College. Your assessor will ensure that you have been provided with all relevant documentation.

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