Describe the benefits of applying logic model

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Reference no: EM133733885


In Part A of your paper, address the following prompts as you discuss logic models: Define logic models and explain their application when selecting a grant and preparing the proposal. Describe the benefits of applying a logic model when selecting and applying for a grant. Explain how a logic model prepares a grant writer and organization to apply for a grant. Part B: Understanding the Grant Application and Assessing Organizational Readiness In Part B of your paper, you will review the BBB Foundation Grant to determine if Agency A and Agency B are eligible and ready to apply for it. As you complete Part B, address the following prompts: Relate program and funder needs to justify grant selection. Describe the needs of the program and applicant organization. Describe the goals, values, and objectives of the funder. Describe the grant eligibility expectations. Assess the applicant organization's readiness. Explain the budget and sustainability plan.

Reference no: EM133733885

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