Reference no: EM132781023
-First describe the beliefs and attitudes. How do they appear to be interrelated? What underlying theme seems to connect them? Then consider any of the following questions that are pertinent:
-What psychological functions do the beliefs and attitudes seem to be serving for the person or persons?
.-Are the beliefs and attitudes consistent or inconsistent among themselves and/or with other beliefs and attitudes held by the same person or persons?
- The beliefs reflect the kinds of cognitive errors or biases discussed so far in the course?
-Can the beliefs and attitudes be characterized as progressive or orthodox, liberal or conservative? Do they reflect an underlying ideology about the nature of authority?
-What seems to be the source or sources of the beliefs and attitudes (e.g., a specific religious creed, socioeconomic circumstances, particular events, childrearing, personal psychopathology)?
-Can you envision anything that might change them? Do you think that changing them would be a good thing?