Reference no: EM133247056
Integument learing obj:
1)Describe the basic structure and function of skin.
2)Describe the relationship between hair follicle, hair root, and hair shaft.
3)Explain the function of the arrector pili muscle
4)Compare and contrast a sebaceous gland with an eccrine gland.
5)Differentiate between the layers of the epidermis.
6)Identify the components of the dermis
7)List and describe the accessory structures of the integumentary system.
Anatomical Position and Planes
Learning Objectives
Describe the hierarchical levels of organization in the human body and List examples of
each level of organization.
1)Describe the human body in anatomical position.
2)Describe and explain the purpose of the anatomical position.
3)Identify right and left on anatomic specimens, anatomic drawings, and medical imaging.
4)Identify and describe the anatomic planes in which a body might be viewed.
5)Describe the relative locations of body structures, using appropriate directional terminology.
6)List and define the major anatomical regions of the body.
&)Describe the location of the body cavities and identify the major organs found in each cavity.
8)Describe the composition of a serous membrane, the function of serous fluid, and the locations of serous membranes in the body.
9)Identify and describe the location of the four abdominopelvic quadrants and the major structures found in each.
10)Identify and describe the location of the nine abdominopelvic regions.
Compare rule-based and model-based
: Compare and contrast rule-based, model-based, and case-based reasoning models.
Explain irac method
: Amelia, Betty and Chelsea (A, B & C) are sisters. Recently their great-aunt Zara passed away and left her country estate, Windemere, to A, B & C. In her will, Z
How did you bypass the free account creation window
: What article did you decide to go with? Using the add-on uBlock, how did you bypass the free account creation window?
Discuss current healthcare data security laws or regulations
: Discuss current healthcare data security laws or regulations. Provide examples of how they might apply to the role of health information professionals.
Describe the basic structure and function of skin
: 1)Describe the basic structure and function of skin. 2)Describe the relationship between hair follicle, hair root, and hair shaft.
Should be implementable in any programming language
: The steps of your algorithm must be written in English, not Python code, as algorithms should be implementable in any programming language, not just Python.
Explain the details of layer of the epidermis
: Using proper anatomical terms, explain the details of each layer of the epidermis and the dermis. Discuss in order of arrangement beginning with the dermis.
Contents of gi tract reach the end of small intestine
: By the time the contents of the GI tract reach the end of the small intestine, what three energy-yielding nutrients have been digested? Use at least one refere
Movements of the shoulder joint at the glenoid fossa
: Outline the muscles that facilitate each of the following movements of the shoulder joint at the glenoid fossa: Abduction Adduction Flexion of the humerus at th