Reference no: EM133242686
Questions -
1. Identify the three parties with the strongest interests in parentage determinations and describe the basic nature of those interests.
2. Identify and describe the three primary ways of establishing legal parentage.
3. Identify four examples of contexts in which parenthood is established through adjudication.
4. Describe the basic process for adjudicating paternity.
5. Describe the equitable parent doctrine and explain how it was applied by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in A.J. v. I.J.
6. Define paternity fraud. Explain what it means to "disestablish" paternity. Identify some of the common arguments in favor of and against disestablishment.
7. Identify and describe the four tests most often applied by the courts to resolve disputes arising out of surrogacy arrangements.
8. Describe the trend with respect to resolution of disputes regarding disposition of cryopreserved embryos upon divorce.
9. Define posthumous reproduction and give an example of circumstances in which it might be utilized.
10. Identify at least three ways in which gays and lesbians can become legal parents.
Book - Wilson, Mary E.. Family Law for the Paralegal (p. 265). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.