Describe the background of your hypothetical corporation

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM13752684

Imagine that you are a senior business manager for a U.S.-based MNC. Your directorate has informed you that the organization must outsource its Information Technology (IT) department, along with shipping and warehousing, to an emerging market in order to reduce excessive costs. For your division directorate, you will prepare a written analysis of the top-two (2) countries within emerging markets that your company should consider for this new business strategy.

In preparation for this assignment, use the Internet or Strayer databases to research two (2) countries within emerging markets.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the background of your hypothetical corporation. Your description should include, but not be limited to, the type of business, products, and services that your MNC provides.
  2. Examine both the role that your MNC plays in international business and the major benefits of globalization for the corporation.
  3. Compare and contrast the two (2) selected countries in terms of economic systems, cultural ideologies, political systems, legal and regulatory environments, advancements in technology and e-Business capabilities, and ethics and social responsibility.
  4. Using Hofstede's four (4) original dimensions of culture, distinguish between the major value differences and similarities across the cultures found within each of the selected countries.
  5. Evaluate the suitability of each selected country for global and regional integration.
  6. Recommend the country that the company should consider for its new international business strategy. Justify your response.
  7. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM13752684

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