Describe the attacks associated with wep wpa or bluetooth

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131062155

Question 1:

Select one option from A & B below and complete the discussion question.

Option A) Discuss/describe the attacks associated with WEP, WPA, WPA2 or Bluetooth not covered in Module 9. How can these attacks be detected and prevented?

Option B) Enhance and elaborate on the wireless LAN and Bluetooth related security topics covered in Module 9. Share any additional thoughts you may have on them.

Question 2:

Select one topic for discussion that you consider important regarding modern network security architecture. If the topic you want to discuss has previously been covered in one of the Modules, please enhance and elaborate on it. The following is a list of possible topics:

VLAN architecture
Firewall architecture
802.1x /AAA
SSL VPN architecture
Secure wireless LAN architecture
Many more (you may choose your own topic).

Reference no: EM131062155

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