Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor

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Reference no: EM133661810

Domain Description
o Include a statement that tells the reader about the assigned domain.
o Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor and contextual statement. Nursing Practice Examples and Reflection
o Read through the entry-level professional nursing education competencies for the assigned domain.
Choose three (3) competencies and provide an example of nursing practice for each.
o For example: Student A is assigned Domain 9: Professionalism. Student A chooses 9.1e Report unethical behaviors in practice. The example Student A writes about is when she overheard nurses talking about a patient in an elevator while working as a patient care tech.
o Examples you provide can come from what you have learned in your nursing coursework, personal/family experiences, observations while working in healthcare settings, and/or from a documentary(ies).
o For each competency and example you provide, respond to the following prompts and/or questions.
o Discuss how and why your example meets or does not meet the stated competency.
o What sphere of care does your example come from? Provide rationale and/or evidence to support the sphere of care you have identified.
o Discuss why this competency is important for nursing practice. Provide evidence to support your discussion.
o *Reflect on your personal ability to meet this competency. Are you able to meet it today? If so, how? If not, what additional knowledge, skills and experiences will help you to be able to achieve the competency? [*first-person allowed in this section only]

o Summarize the key ideas discussed in your paper without including new information and provide your final thoughts with an emotional appeal that will leave an impact on the reader. Include a closing sentence that wraps up the entire paper with a synthesis of key points about your domain.

Reference no: EM133661810

Questions Cloud

What factors are causing more specialists : What factors (economic, educational, career opportunities) are causing more specialists than generalist physicians in the U.S.?
Contribute to the labor force and economy : contribute to the labor force and economy of the early American colonies? How did their forced labor shape the development of industries such as agriculture
What is the underlying physiologic mechanism : What is underlying physiologic mechanism that is causing his bouts of pain? Does this patient's ethnicity have direct correlation with underlying cause of pain?
Identify and explain some of the key issues regarding health : Identify and explain some of the key issues regarding health disparities and rural communities. List and Explain three specific factors that contribute to poor
Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor : Describe the assigned domain using the provided descriptor and contextual statement. Nursing Practice Examples and Reflection
Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy : Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each policy. Explain how the health policy you selected might impact the role of the nurse in each country.
Stages of puberty for both male and female : What is the difference between early, middle, and late childhood, what are the age groups, and what are major developmental concepts for each age
What do you feel is most useful to an epidemiologist : What do you feel is most useful to an epidemiologist? Why? Of the Characteristics of Place, what do you feel is most useful to an epidemiologist? Why?
Analyze how consumers obtain and share health information : Analyze how consumers obtain and share health information and the implications of those methods.


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