Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706637

Communications Skill Assessment Most of us have situations in which we find it difficult to communicate.

Improving your written communication skills and being comfortable speaking to people are extremely important.

Develop a two- to three-page APA-formatted paper in which you analyze your personal communication skills.

Be sure to address the following:

• Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills.

• Discuss your communication gaps.

• Describe any additional training you need in specific areas of communication.

• Analyze how you can improve your current communication skills to prepare you for advancement in your profession.

There is a communication skills assessment available at MindTools to assist you with this assignment.

Your paper must be two to three pages (not including title and reference pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

You must cite three to four scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Reference no: EM131706637

Questions Cloud

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Explain how you can apply it to your role as project manager : Why is project management so important inside today's modern organization? Define the term and explain how you can apply it to your role as a project manager.
Describe the assessment you used to analyze your skills : Analyze how you can improve your current communication skills to prepare you for advancement in your profession.
List three common neutraceuticals in relation to pet food : List the 3 common neutraceuticals in relation to pet food. The advantages of premium food to pests are
Calculate the contribution margin ratio : Calculate the Contribution Margin ratio for both plans and Describe the meaning of Contribution Margin ratio - Explain why it is important to calculate Margin
Discuss in a federally funded study of a probation program : In a federally funded study of a probation program, a researcher discovers that one participant was involved in a murder while on probation
Assess the union activities in light of the nlra : Assess the union's activities in light of the NLRA. Are there any unfair labor practices? Are there any common law counts that Caruso could pursue.


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