Reference no: EM132781352 , Length: word count:1500
Read & Respond - The Value of Story
Question 1
"Children's literature is defined as high-quality trade books for children from birth to early adolescence, covering topics of relevance and interest to children through prose and poetry, fiction and nonfiction. They are the books that children see as reflecting their life experiences, understandings, and emotions" - Short p.4
Short doesn't mention, and even excludes, some content and formats from her definition of children's literature. What do you agree or disagree with in Short's definition? Can you think of any factors or items that Short has left out of her definition that you think should be included? For example: comics, songs, or children's own writing? Any others?
Question 2
"Descriptions of children's literature in elementary schools and libraries typically focus on how to use children's books to teach something else. Literature is viewed as a material that is used to teach reading, math, science, social studies, or comprehension skills and writing strategies. We are often so focused on using literature to enhance academic learning that we lose sight of literature as having value in and of itself for children's lives (Wolf, Coats, Enciso, & Jenkins, 2011)." - Short p.6
Short provides a wide range of reasons to value children's literature. Which ones do you see as the most important and why? Are there any that you disagree with or that you would describe differently than Short did?
Question 3
"Books do change lives for the better, but you need to be a reader to engage children as readers [...]
If you are to immerse children in reading good books that add to their lives, you need to find those books for your life as well" - Short p.9
After explaining that we need to appreciate reading ourselves in order to share books with children, Short provides many reasons for why we, as adults, don't read. Which reasons apply to you? How likely is it that you will read for enjoyment this semester and/or in the future?
Part 2
Read & Respond - What if You Were the Author?
The reading by Edward was removed from the Internet, instead we will use one by Evans
Evans - Ten Essential Picture Book Elements
Jasinski-Schneider - Ch 2 What is Children's Literature?
Kiefer - Reading Interests, Ages & Stages
Remember, you can also use our other course materials to help you with this assignment.
Imagine that you are going to write and illustrate a high quality trade book for beginning readers, approximately 6 years old. Describe your book and explain what you will do as an author and
illustrator to make it a good fit for your intended audience.
Do not just make a list, explain why the features you choose are important and/or how they will appeal to the children who will read it. Use what you have learned from the readings listed above, from our other course materials, and from your own experience.
Part 3
Read & Respond Balance
• Recorded Read Aloud of Rosie's Walk 3min
• Recorded Read Aloud of Little Brown 5min
• How to Read a Picture Book - Olivia by Ian Falconer 13min
• Picture Books | What they're REALLY trying to teach 5min
• Constructivist Teaching Strategies 7min
• 04 Video Lecture - Typical Features of Picture Books 16min
• 05 Video Lecture - Book Design & Illustration 16min
In order to keep readers engaged in a story, each author/illustrator must create a balance between what is familiar to the reader and what is unfamiliar.
Demonstrate what you have learned about typical picture book elements, book design, and illustration as you answer the questions.
• Refer to specific features of the books and explain your answer thoroughly.
• Refer to our course materials and your discussion notes.
• Provide the names or titles of your sources to indicate where the information came from, you can use the author names, video titles, URL Links, or classmate names, whatever is most appropriate to help me locate the original source easily.
• You do NOT have to follow an academic style format for this Read & Respond.
1. What did you notice about these two books that was typical, predictable, or comfortable?
2. What did you notice that was surprising, thought-provoking, or entertaining?
3. Describe the artistic styles of Rosie's Walk and Little Brown.
How did the artistic style influence your enjoyment and your understanding of each story?
Attachment:- Respond - The Value of Story.rar