Reference no: EM132175871
In 500 words or more answer the following:
Applying the Concepts
"It's Showtime!" is now a phrase that can adequately describe the art and personality of Steve Jobs. At one time or another, Steve Jobs has been called brilliant, creative, demanding, domineering, eccentric, a predatory competitor, hard, unforgiving, or one of the best marketing minds alive today. Mr. Jobs’ new passion is online music and digital entertainment. Just as Apple Computer revolutionized the character and style of computing, it now plans to do the same in the world of music. From iPods, iLife software, iTunes for downloads, Pixar Animated movies, and new Apple stores, Steve Jobs has Apple on everyone’s lips once again. The up and down swings of Apple Computer are legendary; however, through it all Steve Jobs vision has remained constant. He seems to really be able to envision the future before it happens.
1. Using a search engine of your own choosing, find an article about Steve Jobs that outlines his successes and failures as a corporate executive and entrepreneur. Which of the Big Five personality traits do you think Mr. Jobs' would score high on? Explain your rationale.
2. Using a search engine of the Apple Web site, review the latest innovations from Apple in digital entertainment and music. Write a one- to two paragraph synopsis of these innovations.
3. Considering what you have done in 1 and 2 above, describe which of Mr. Jobs personality characteristics has helped him the most in putting together the deals that have propelled Apple to the forefront on digital entertainment and music via the Internet.
Your assignment/answers must cover the issues involved and a series of recommendations for resolving the problems.