Describe the approach to managing employee relationships

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131005541

Part A- Case Analysis RTZ Corp.

Assignment: You will prepare a 4 page paper for your instructor to grade. A page is considered 300 words. The paper will include a title page, research page and follow APA format.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Step 1: Use the attach paper called Case Scenario-RTZ Corp. This will provide the background information necessary for the case analysis.

Step 2: Read the case scenario and respond to the questions in Step 3.

Step 3: Assume the decision has been made to replace Cam as the manager of RTZ Corp. The company has hired you to help them develop a strategy for improving upon internal employee relationships. To seize upon this opportunity, you will then identify opportunities to redefine the corporate culture of the company. Please consider the following factors and case overview in developing your responses:

· The company employs a younger workforce
· The tastes of the customers are shifting
· Technological advancements are altering company operations

Question 1: Based upon your study of management principles identified in the chapters, what situations or scenarios can be applied to improving employee relationships in this example. Please use your own management experience or experiences with managers to explain the steps for accomplishing this goal.

Question 2: Corporate Culture is swayed by the external/internal environments in which a company operates. Factors can include Global Operations, Social Media, Fluctuating Tastes of Customers and Technological Advancements. As the new manager, you want to address the following areas for Change:

· Setting Work Objectives
· Organizing Activities
· Motivating and Communicating with Employees
· Measuring Performance and Standards
· Developing Employee Skills

What actions would you carry out in each area that re-defines the Corporate Culture of RTZ Corporation for the better?

Question 3: How will you use this learning activity to improve both personally and professionally in your current work environment?

Part B - Case Analysis Cultural Detective

Assignment: You will prepare a 4 page paper for your instructor to grade. A page is considered 300 words. The paper will include a title page, research page and follow APA format.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

Step 1: Use the attached Cultural Detective. This will provide the background information necessary for the case analysis.

Step 2: Read the case scenario located in the additional resources of this week.

Step 3: Organizations try to run in a mechanistic manner that rely on standardization, specialization, and the predictability to operate.

There are times when you need to address the situation outside the norm but within organizational policies and procedures.
Assessments of organizational communications can be made from a company or employee perspective; both of which are effected by issues of globalization, demographics, and the approach to employee relationship management. These are complex situations which require thoughtful consideration. Considering the case outline and the above comments address the following:

1: Assume that Shannon Sterling is thinking about quitting her job based upon her observations. As her manager, you feel she has a great potential to initiate change but needs to see the way. Based upon the seven conceptualizations of communication chart found in the Additional Resources, document your understanding of how Shannon wants to see her communications theorized and suggest ways that the organizational communications of the Dept. of Education can be improved to meet those ideals?

2: The employees of the Dept. of Education need to know their feelings are considered and their individual work is important in meeting the organizational goals. Develop a new employee relationship management approach that addresses the need to change the current work environment considering the social and emotional needs of the employees. How will this new approach be communicated to both employees and administration?

3: In looking at where you work, how would you describe the approach to managing employee relationships? Are you satisfied with this or should it be changed? If changed then describe how.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131005541

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