Describe technology applications in supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13874925

Portland Bus Manufacturing Prepare a plan and schedule for reverse auctions of 21 packages consisting of 290 components.

1. Technology applications in supply chain management

2. Electronic reverse auctions

3. Supply processes

4. Supplier relations

5. Negotiation

6. Cost management and total cost of ownership

Student Assignment

As Richard Kaplan, what how would you set-up the reverse auction Be specific in with respect to visibility (e.g., what the bidders would

see during the auction), length of the auction, policies for extending the length of the auction and target pricing.

2. What policy would you use to award business to suppliers?

3. How do you think the suppliers will react to your proposal to run a reverse auction? What would you do to convince them

Reference no: EM13874925

Questions Cloud

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