Describe target market in detail

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131140640 , Length: word count: 1400

Title: Marketing Research Report

Your company has decided to launch a new line of products.

1. Create a 1,400-word report and include the following information:

2. Choose the target market for your product, and describe your target market in detail.

3. Create a new product that would appeal to your market.

4. Develop at least one question for each characteristic of the target market (demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral) that will be important for you as you determine the marketing strategy for this new product.

5. Recommend the best methods of conducting marketing research to answer these questions. Be sure to include why you chose these particular methods.

Outline the steps you will take to bring your product to market from idea generation to commercialization, using a multi-step product development process.

6. Formatyour assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

The new product has to be something other than DVD Rentals and Streaming of movies and television shows.
Please include References and in-text citation. The reference do not count in the word count.

Reference no: EM131140640

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