Describe structured approaches to risk management

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Reference no: EM133546786 , Length: Words Count:500


Case study During a weekend shift in an Emergency Department (ED), a student nurse was working alongside a registered nurse in the care of a patient with cellulitis. The ED was noted to be at 112% capacity and the registered nurse felt that there was pressure being placed on them to discharge patients as quickly as possible. Due to this high capacity, each nurse was responsible for an increased number of patients. The student nurse observed worsening of the patient and informed the registered nurse of this. However, the registered nurse was now pre-occupied with another acutely unwell patient. The registered nurse attended the cellulitis patient 45 minutes later, when they were found to be suffering from sepsis. The patient required treatment in the high dependency unit, although they did recover.

Describe structured approaches to risk management from the above case study? '' 500 words'' with a reference list.

Reference no: EM133546786

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