Describe strategies you could adopt to limit legal risk

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Reference no: EM13747921 , Length:

Prospective Risk Management ?Identify and describe strategies you could adopt to limit legal risk in this area in the future.

Below is the scenario that it is based on.

Scenario A

One of the patient care aides has complained to her manager that the Chief Medical Officer of the hospital has been following her around, making lewd comments, and trying to grab her. The manager is intimidated by the Medical Officer and ignores the complaint. The aide complains again and her manager demotes her to the night shift even though she has seniority over others in the area.

The patient care aide goes to the EEOC and files a complaint of sexual harassment and retaliation. Three of her coworkers speak out on her behalf during the EEOC investigation process. When the manager finds out that they have spoken against the medical officer, she terminates the employees. One of the three coworkers also complained of harassment by the Medical Officer but had not filed an EEOC complaint.

The hospital EEO officer comes to you as the executive administrator and asks you what to do.

Reference no: EM13747921

Questions Cloud

What are the characteristics of the new global country : What are the characteristics of the new Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success. What barriers exist in the new Global Country/Environment. You cannot state there are no barriers.
How is a dna molecule replicated : How is a dna molecule replicated and Compare and contrast a hypothesis with a scientific theory
Respiration and photosynthesis cycle : Respiration and Photosynthesis Cycle-Cellular respiration and photosynthesis form a critical cycle of energy and matter that supports the continued existence of life on Earth
How did chinese authorities treat their conquered peoples : How did Chinese, Indian, and Mongol authorities treat their conquered peoples.
Describe strategies you could adopt to limit legal risk : Prospective Risk Management - Identify and describe strategies you could adopt to limit legal risk in this area in the future.
Discuss role of antidiuretic hormone in formation of urine : Discuss the role of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in the formation of urine. What are ACE inhibitors and how do they relate to this topic
How does enlightenment relate to the protestant reformation : How does the Enlightenment relate to the Protestant Reformation? How does the Enlightenment relate to the Age of Exploration?
Progression of industrialization and human development : Using the time progression of industrialization and human development, This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked
Train an expatriate for a position of choice : Create a global human resource strategy to recruit, select, and train an expatriate for a position of your choice.


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