Describe strategic planning techniques

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131882117

Assignment : Presentation

After you have fleshed out your business plan you will have the information you will need for a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint). This 12-slide presentation conveys the most important aspects of your business in a short time.

More sophisticated investors, such as angel investors and venture capitalists, will typically not look at your written business plan until they have seen your slide presentation.

Presentation (MS PowerPoint or equivalent)

Create a 12-slide presentation. Follow the outline on pp. 343-346 for the critical slides of your presentation and their placement. Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.

Hints: Include the highlights of your elevator pitch, which shows that you understand your business. The elevator pitch is a concise description of your company-its product, market, competitive advantages, and so on.

Whether pitching your business to an investor or describing it to a potential connection at a networking event, you need to be able explain your business succinctly to someone in the amount of time it would take to ride up a few floors in an elevator. Use the worksheet in the text (p. 362 | Your "Elevator Pitch") to develop your elevator pitch.

Hints: You must limit your presentation to twelve (12) slides. You do not want to overwhelm your audience with too many slides or bore them with information they already know.

Cite three (3) resources you have used to complete the exercise.

Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.

Create a plan to implement a firm's strategy and manage the change from current operations.

Analyze strategies for exerting the internal leadership needed to drive the implementation of strategic initiatives and improve operating excellence.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.

Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM131882117

Questions Cloud

Aligning overall business goals : What are three reasons why aligning overall business goals with IS goals is important?
Discuss implications for the business based on your analysis : Define the short-run period that you believe is managerially significant, and why; Discuss implications for the business based on your analysis.
What is its cost of common equity and its WACC : The last dividend was D0 = $3.50, and it is expected to grow at a 5% constant rate. What is its cost of common equity and its WACC?
What three levels of development should yvonne accomplish : What three levels of development should Yvonne accomplish before starting her franchise program?
Describe strategic planning techniques : Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.
Does a captive center resolve the concerns : When does cloud computing make sense for a large corporation that already has an IS organization? Give an example of when cloud computing might make sense.
Strategic planning and strategic management : What is the difference between strategic planning and strategic management?
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing : Where would you go if you needed to find hundreds of people each willing to take on a tiny portion of a large task for minimal pay?
Foundation of successful management : Analyze a current issue in the field, the topic is Planning: The foundation of Successful Management


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