Describe special education and why it is necessary

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Reference no: EM133638915

Homework: Understanding Special Education Paper


Special education provides educational opportunities for students who need additional support to make academic or social progress in school. All educators need to understand the components of special education because effective special education programs include collaboration with a variety of educators, administrators, and school staff.


For this homework, you will write a researchpaper of at least 1,000 wordsthat focuses on the characteristics of students receiving special education, the laws governing special education, and service delivery environments for students eligible for special education services. Your paper should also focus on the roles of general education teachers supporting students receiving special education services, and Biblical principles that support the inclusion of special education services in schools. The paper should contain the following sections:

I. Introduction: Describe special education and why it is necessary. Include a Scriptural reference to support the necessity of special education in schools. Scripture must be supported by at least one sentence that explains how it relates to your discussion.

II. Laws: Provide a brief history of the law that established special education in schools (IDEA) and some of the important components of that law (FAPE, LRE). Citations from two scholarly resourcesare required.

III. Special Education Services: Describe the characteristics of students who receive special education services. How does a student become eligible for special education services? What kinds of services are provided under special education? Citations from two scholarly resourcesare required.

IV. Service Delivery Environments: Special education services can be administered in various ways. Describe three special education service delivery environments, from least restrictive to most restrictive. Discuss the type of student who would be best served in each type of environment. Citations from two scholarly resourcesare required.

V. General Education Teacher's Role in Special Education: Explain two roles or responsibilities that the general education teacher has when working with students receiving special education services. Why are these roles important, and how do they help ensure the success of students receiving special education services? Citations from two scholarly resources are required.

VI. Conclusion: Summarize the information shared in the previous sections of the paper. Include any additional information or insight you have gleaned from the process of writing this paper. Include a scriptural reference in the conclusion paragraph. Scripture should be supported by at least one sentence that explains how it applies to your discussion.

Reference no: EM133638915

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