Describe some of the ways impulsivity is measured

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Reference no: EM133275987

Question: Describe some of the ways impulsivity is measured in the laboratory, and discuss some of the evidence that the striatum has a role in impulsivity.

The lay-out and structure of the oral presentation is flexible and will differ for the various topics and questions posed, but as a guide some of the following may be useful sections to include. Remember that a research article is assigned to each research topic/question, so be sure that that research article is used and referenced in answering the research question. However, you will be expected to read other research articles and find your own sources to fully answer the posed question(s).

1. Research Question posed and Title of presentation

2. Background: Explain the specific relevant background necessary for the question/research but do not repeat what was covered in the lecture - this is assumed knowledge. Explain why the research question or aim of the study is important.

3. Findings: What was the answer for your research question in detail?

4. Physiological mechanisms and critical appraisal: Why do the findings of your research question occur with physiological detail? Include Figures and data from the research articles. Is there other literature which confirms or contrasts your findings,and are there any shortcoming or weaknesses in the literature approaching this research question.

Reference no: EM133275987

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