Describe some of the market research methodologies

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131286946

Ziba ( is an internationally recognized design consultancy that helps companies create meaningful ideas and designs based on understanding consumer behaviour in a deep way. Ziba's current client list includes Fortune 100 heavyweights like Microsoft, Whirlpool and P&G, as well as technology start-ups, service organizations and consumer electronic companies. Currently there are approximately 100 employees in the company


1. Describe some of the market research methodologies that Ziba make use of.

2. Generally, why is ‘defining the research problem' a crucial part of the research process?

3. How is Ziba transforming knowledge about consumer behaviour into meaningful insights that can help its customers?

4. Generally, how is marketing research done in an international environment different from national marketing research?

Reference no: EM131286946

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