Describe some of the challenges of managing operation

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131033052

Please write a 2-page essay answering the questions below. Double space, font size 12. Please also include a reference page.

Note: This is a turn-it-in assignment so please do not use too much direct quotations.

The challenge of developing emerging markets in foreign locations can be challenging, but managing in foreign locations can be even more challenging.

1. Describe some of the challenges of managing operations and personnel in a foreign subsidiary.

2. Present suggestions for overcoming some of these challenges.

Reference no: EM131033052

Questions Cloud

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Describe some of the challenges of managing operation : Please write a 2-page essay answering the questions below. Double space, font size 12. Please also include a reference page.Note: This is a turn-it-in assignment so please do not use too much direct quotations.The challenge of developing emerging mar..
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