Describe some of changes in programming that have emerged

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Reference no: EM133646734

Discussion Post

Textbook Chapters:

Chapter 11: The Weight of the DNA in The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out.
Chapter 12: Even at Harvard in The innovative university: Changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out.

Part I

Provide at least a 250-word response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

In this learning module you had the opportunity to study both the power of scholarly engagement and the challenge of scholarly disengagement in the face of a great deal of change. In previous learning modules you've had the opportunity to evaluate some of the challenges that faculty face in trying to both maintain the quality and integrity of the program while simultaneously not being accused of being in the way of change. The authors discuss the fear of scholarly disengagement and how it can emerge and the challenge it can bring to the university or institution of higher education. Please describe what is meant by scholarly disengagement and how it emerges and likewise how it can be avoided.

Part II

Provide at least a 250 words response, utilizing references from the text and/or supplemental reading. Also be sure to respond to at least two of your peers on the forum.

In this learning module you have the chance to explore some of the changes in educational programming that have emerged as a result of an era of what the authors have called disruptive change. Describe some of the changes in programming that have emerged and how it has ultimately impacted institutions of higher education.

Reference no: EM133646734

Questions Cloud

What key concepts of managing change did you learn : What key concepts of managing change did you learn for the first time but will seek to develop more in the future? What did you enjoy most about this course?
Employee monitoring would be useful control technique : Consider whether employee monitoring would be a useful control technique and how you might implement it.
Select one of payment methodologies covered : Select one of the payment methodologies covered (new or traditional) and share an external resource that describes or aligns with that system.
Critical review of power and modern leadership practices : critical review of Power and Modern Leadership Practices using practical examples from business - demonstrating a high level of scholarship by drawing
Describe some of changes in programming that have emerged : Describe some of the changes in programming that have emerged and how it has ultimately impacted institutions of higher education.
Explain the major cloud service providers : It should briefly explain the major cloud service providers, cloud computing service models.
How common is it for children to experience kind of trauma : How common is it for children to experience this kind of trauma? Are there specific effects that result from this kind of childhood trauma?
Discuss objectives on how you would create a new mls team : Discuss objectives on how you would create a new MLS team for a city near you (it should be a large enough city to support an MLS team).
Explain what will help the business become more profitable : Explain what will help the business become more profitable. Explain what will help the business get the best deal for the company in union negotiations.


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