Describe some aspect of your selected theory in depth

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133587016

Homework: Human Resource Management- Theory Choice & Research


For this homework, you will select a theory of personality for your course project, conduct initial research, and then write a 4 to 5 pages paper. In the paper, you will describe the theory, explain why you selected it, and identify and summarize the research you plan to integrate into your final paper.


To complete this homework, first review the Theory of Personality project description and rubric. The description provides the context for this homework. Then, select one of the following theories of personality that have been presented in this course. Choose a theory that appeals to your interests and applies to your chosen area of specialization.

1. Psychoanalysis (Freud).
2. Individual psychology (Adler).
3. Analytical psychology (Jung).
4. Object relations theory (Klein).
5. Psychoanalytic social theory (Horney).
6. Humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm).
7. Post-Freudian theory (Erikson).
8. Holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow).
9. Person-centered theory (Rogers).
10. Existential psychology (May).
11. Psychology of the individual (Allport).
12. Five-factor trait theory (McCrae and Costa).
13. Biologically based factor theory (Eysenk).
14. Evolutionary theory of personality (Buss).
15. Behavioral analysis (Skinner).
16. Cognitive social learning theory (Rotter and Mischel).
17. Psychology of personal constructs (Kelly).

After you have selected your theory, conduct research to find:

1. At least two primary or secondary sources that describe some aspect of your selected theory in depth.
2. At least three peer-reviewed articles that support the application of your selected theory to your chosen area of specialization.

Then, write and submit a 4 to 5 pages paper in which you address the following:

Question 1. Identify the theory you selected and discuss what interests you about it.

Question 2. List the primary or secondary sources (at least two) you found that describe some aspect of your selected theory in depth. For each source, provide the complete citation. Then summarize in a few sentences the content in the source that is most relevant to your final project.

Question 3. List the peer-reviewed articles (at least three) you found that support the application of this theory to your chosen area of specialization. Again, for each source provide the complete citation. Then, in a few sentences, summarize the content in the article that is most relevant to your final project.

Reference no: EM133587016

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