Describe skills a nurse needs in a multicultural healthcare

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133506431


  • Describe the skills a nurse needs in a multicultural healthcare setting.
  • Describe the five cultural considerations that must be considered when teaching a multicultural class.
  • Describe how globalization affects healthcare.

Reference no: EM133506431

Questions Cloud

Which modifier would be assigned by the pulmonologist : The rationale for repeating the chest x-ray is that the film does not give the pulmonologist a good picture and he wants to repeat the x-ray to confirm
How do the following factors contribute to malnutrition : How do the following factors contribute to malnutrition, poverty, lack of education, disease, and environmental factors? How can food assistance programs help
What could possibly happen due to this disorder : You also warn Ms. Audubon not to do any hard exercising until her body has adjusted. Even though Alice is healthy, what could possibly happen due
What is the best response the rn can make : We are worried because he has not spoken to his friends, watched television, or played his video games for 2 days. This is so unlike him."
Describe skills a nurse needs in a multicultural healthcare : Describe the skills a nurse needs in a multicultural healthcare setting. Describe the five cultural considerations that must be considered when teaching
What coding guideline supports your decision : In the History and Physical the patient complains of left upper flank pain should thiscondition be coded? What coding guideline supports your decision?
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using a scatter plot : ICT505 Software Development - Visualizing and Data Distribution by Python - Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using a scatter plot versus a line plot
Why you think evidence is either reputable or disreputable : provide a summary of the evidence and the reference and whether it was primary or not. Explain why you think the evidence is either reputable or disreputable.
How you can create positive change for conservation efforts : how you can create positive change for conservation efforts through your home, your work, your community, politics, and other personal arenas.


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