Describe service oriented architecture

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132267616

Q1: Determine which layer(s) of the seven layers of the OSI model has (have) the following functions. List all the layers if more than one layer have the function, e.g. PL (Physical Layer), DL (Data Link Layer), NL (Network Layer), TL (Transport Layer), & AL (Application Layer - OSI layers 5 - 7).

(a) modulation

(b) flow controls

(c) error detection & error controls

(d) multiplexing

(e) collision detection

(f) addressing

(g) end-to-end network packet delivery

(h) connection-oriented or connectionless

(i) segmentation or streaming

(j) end-to-end user data delivery

Q2: How WiFi mechanism was used to detect/avoid/correct data transmission collision?

Q3: Describe Frequency Modulation (FM), Amplitude Modulation (AM), Time Division Modulation (TDM), and Pulse Modulation (PM)

Q4: Draw VoIP architecture and explain the major components.

Q5: Describe Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Q6: Describe SIP, it's basic methods/functions. Show how to make calls

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The work is in 2000 words where the focus is on handling the details about how the system planining is done to make sure of the OSI layer and then the setup is based on the plans. It includes the forms and the standards to define the forms which includes the system setup and planning based on the different setup.

Reference no: EM132267616

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8/29/2019 3:25:56 AM

I am happy to see that the expert has followed all the instructions carefully. Well formatted work delivered as per the requirement I would like to appreciate efforts included by the writer.


3/27/2019 3:35:12 AM

Answer the questions succinctly and clearly, explain your answer, and show your work. Answers, even if right but without an explanation and proper citation/reference, will get no credit. The explanations need to be brief, but complete, logical, and to the point. Do not quote anybody else, use your own words. Answer in the space provided or add lines if really needed.


3/27/2019 3:35:06 AM

The Exam is open book/notes, but individual, not to be shared. Save the file with your answers as a MS Word file (please label the file YourLastName Midterm.doc), and post it in your Assignments folder before the deadline. Please do keep the questions/instructions and points for each question in this Word document with your answers.


3/27/2019 3:34:52 AM

The report should exhibit graduate-level writing, in terms of grammar, punctuation, format, quality of analysis, coherence, insight, logical flow, and reasoning. The paper is NOT an essay, it is to be a research report based fully on facts and data derived from appropriate sources in the literature. Provide a reference citation for EVERY statement of fact you include in your paper. Do NOT string together direct quotes from reference sources to create a narrative in the report. plagiarism report needed

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