Reference no: EM131367389
Discussion 1 - Planning and the Domains of Development
To be an effective early childhood educator in the United States today, it is imperative that you are able to adapt curriculum and instruction to meet each and every child's varied needs across each developmental domain, regardless of the age of the children. This discussion builds on Week One's discussion about creating trust with students, and further prepares you to design for each and every child's success in your classroom, which is a component of the final project in Week Five.
Prepare for this discussion by selecting a case study and creating a developmentally appropriate activity that enhances each domain of development: cognitive, physical, and affective. Remember, "researchers and curriculum specialists also emphasize that growth and learning occur as an integrated process across multiple domains" (Gestwicki, 2011; Hull, Goldhaber, & Capone, 2002; Levine & Munsch, 2011, as cited in Jaruszewicz, 2013, section 4.1, para. 7). This means that you do not need to create three separate activities - just one or more activities that address multiple domains simultaneously. An example activity for this discussion is located in the Week Two Instructor Guidance.
Initial Post: Create a message that includes your activity or activities, making sure to include descriptions of each of the following:
- The name and age of the child as indicated in the case study you chose.
- A description of the setting the instruction will take place in (e.g., childcare center, classroom).
- The goal of each activity, including which domain it is geared toward and the desired learning outcome.
- The materials necessary to support student learning for the activity or activities.
- The procedure for how the activity will be implemented. This section of your response must be at least one full paragraph, provide a substantial description of the procedure and be supported by at least one scholarly resource.
Discussion 2 - Collaborative Planning
The purpose of this discussion is for you to prepare a presentation to inform parents in your school/center about the benefits of play in the classroom and explain how play and learning are interconnected. You will collaborate with two peers in this discussion by offering feedback directly in their presentation (see the Guided Response instructions below). The scenario for this discussion is that you are hypothetically working in a school or center serving young children. Recently, at the school or center there have been some concerns brought up by parents about the amount of playtime that children in your classrooms are getting compared to the opportunities for academic learning. Your goal with the presentation is to communicate to the parents the importance of play. First, prepare for this discussion by considering the quote below:
Even if you are wholly in charge of your class or group of children, you may have a co-teacher or assistant, or you may be part of a bigger teaching team, which means that other individuals will influence or perhaps have some control over your planning. For example, teachers in a center or school, often plan collaboratively, as a group, by grade or age level. (Jaruszewicz , 2013, section 6.1, para. 4)
Do you notice how the author of your text emphasizes that there are many stakeholders who will interact with your students and possibly in your classroom, such as a co-teaching arrangement? To further prepare for this discussion, aside from reviewing the Instructor Guidance for Week Two and considering the quote above, read the NAEYC articles "Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 " and "Maximizing the Impact of Teacher Collaboration." Additionally, if needed, review the Microsoft Office (2014) article about creating effective presentations, which is listed in the Recommended Resources for Week Two.
Initial Post: Create a PowerPoint presentation that is seven slides in length, including the title and references slides, and that is designed as a presentation you might give to an audience of parents and other adult stakeholders affiliated with the school/center described in the scenario for this discussion. Attach your PowerPoint presentation to your initial post. Your presentation slides must
- Describe sensory play and give an example activity.
- Describe construction play and give an example activity.
- Describe dramatic play and give an example activity.
- Explain how play is supported by NAEYC by addressing the tenth principle from the article "Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8."
- Summarize the benefits of working collaboratively in the classroom or a center based on your reading of the article "Maximizing the Impact of Teacher Collaboration."
Attachment:- Required Resources.rar
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