Describe script or scripting tool

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13883556

One of the most time-consuming activities for system administrators is installing and updating software throughout a network. Software is updated on a regular basis, and new software is implemented in businesses regularly. Software deployment is a great place to implement scripts, and as a member of your IT group, you have been asked to help find some scripts or scripting tools that will help your company with future software deployment tasks.

Use the Library and Internet to find information about scripts or scripting tools to assist in network or Internet deployment and installation of software applications.

Select at least 2 scripts or scripting tools for your discussion:

Describe script or scripting tool.

Discuss the main functionality or features of the script or scripting tool.

Identify a scenario where each script or scripting tool would be appropriate to use, and justify your response.

Reference no: EM13883556

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