Describe risk-related issues associated with cloud computing

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131066651

1: Shirin, good post and I agree how "cybercrime is a rapid growing area of crime" and good point about how "criminals are taking advantage of speed, convenience, and anonymity." Isn't hard to appreciate something when criminals continue to take advantage of this resource. Shirin and class, according to chapter 1, please describe the risk-related issues associated with cloud computing?

2: Jezreel, good job referring to the video and you bring up a great point about "It is a constant upgrade to try to keep ahead of all the threats," good job. And as everyone is learning, when it comes to the risk assessment process, vulnerabilities such as outdated software can be a concern. Jezreel and class, according to chapter 1, which is the common deterrence used today for physical security and what is risk acceptance?

3: What I have taken away from watching the video is we are building our lives around wired and wireless networks, but are we ready to defend them. The article suggests the FBI certainly is. They lead the national effort to investigate high-tech crimes, including cyber-based terrorism, espionage, computer intrusions, and major cyber fraud. To stay in front of current and emerging trends, they gather and share information and intelligence with public and private sector partners worldwide.

Reference no: EM131066651

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