Describe research database of research including the purpose

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13787589

Type your answers to the following questions using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax.

Name: [replace this text with your name]

Describe briefly your topic of interest/research question (15 possible points):

#1 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#2 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#3 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#4 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

#5 Database (or collection) (30 possible points):

Title of Database:

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database:

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest/question:

Reference no: EM13787589

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