Describe relationship between economic freedom and variation

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM13116721

Over the last 15 years the Heritage Foundation and theWall StreetJournal have joined forces to produce an annual Index of Economic Freedom. This index defines 10 economic freedoms used to measure the level of economic freedom in countries around the world. Explore the website for the Index of Economic Freedom. Be sure to read the executive summary and pay particular attention to the graph labeledEconomic Freedom and Povertyand the graph labeledEconomic Freedom and Economic Growthbefore you leave the website.

A) Based on your reading of material from the Index of Economic Freedom, describe the relationship between economic freedom and variations in wealth among countries.

B) Select a country from the Index and bring in additional source material to explain its ranking and how it has changed over the last 5-10 years.

Reference no: EM13116721

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