Describe relationship bettween marginal and average product

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13231906

The table below shows the total production of a firm as the quantity of labor employed increases. The quantities of all other resources employed are constant. Compute the marginal and average products and enter them in the table.
Inputs of labor Total product Marginal product of labor Average product of labor
0 0 - -
1 40 _____ _____
2 100 _____ _____
3 165 _____ _____
4 200 _____ _____
5 225 _____ _____
6 240 _____ _____
7 245 _____ _____
8 240 _____ _____

(a) At what levels are there increasing returns to labor and at what levels are there decreasing returns to labor?
(b) Describe the relationship between the total product and marginal product.
(c) Describe the relationship bettween marginal and average product.

Reference no: EM13231906

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