Describe realistic investment problem for none of choice

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13318180

Assuming we are still in a world with only discrete investment choice, i.e., option A, option B, etc., describe a realistic investment problem where none of the environments discussed apply without some reframing. For example, you could have the option of choosing two out of four cars, options A through D, but are not restricted with respect to total cost. We don't have this environment but if we reframe the options as AB, AC, AD, AD, BC, BD, CD, we are back in exclusive choice.

Reference no: EM13318180

Questions Cloud

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Describe realistic investment problem for none of choice : Assuming we are still in a world with only discrete investment choice, i.e., option A, option B, etc., describe a realistic investment problem where none of the environments discussed apply without some reframing.
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