Describe professional ethics and the purpose of nasw code

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Reference no: EM133520482

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Describe professional ethics and the purpose of the NASW code of ethics in your own words.

Professional ethics in social work are moral ideas and ideals that influence social workers' behavior. Social workers need these principles to preserve their honesty and professionalism. The NASW Code of Principles underpins these professional principles. The NASW Code of Ethics has several goals. It begins with a broad foundation for social work ideals, including respect for human dignity, social justice, honesty, and competence. This moral compass helps social workers negotiate challenging ethical challenges in their everyday work. Second, the code dictates ethical conduct, ensuring that social workers serve clients and communities professionally and honestly. The NASW Code of Ethics also promotes professional responsibility. It provides a standard for ethical behavior and evaluates and addresses ethical transgressions. It protects clients and helps social workers self-regulate.

Explain the section of the code that you were assigned (Standard 2 to Colleagues).

Standard 2 of the NASW Code of Ethics emphasizes social workers' professional connections with peers. It stresses that social workers must treat each other respectfully, fairly, and honestly since the profession relies on collaboration and ethics. This guideline encourages social workers to appreciate and value colleagues' knowledge and contributions. Sharing information and resources is essential for social work's development and advancement (NASW, 2023). Standard 2 also forbids discrimination, harassment, and unfair acts against coworkers, ensuring an inclusive, supportive, and ethical workplace. Standard 2 emphasizes that social workers must behave ethically in client and professional relationships. According to this guideline, social workers promote respect and cooperation in the profession, improving client services and strengthening the community.

Describe the standards within that section in your own words.

Standard 2 of the NASW Code of Ethics covers social workers' professional relationships. These criteria guide social workers' peer interaction ethics. This section's first criterion promotes respect, justice, and professional civility for other social workers. It emphasizes the need for mutual respect and dignity in professional harmony. Another requirement in this part emphasizes teamwork and information exchange (NASW, 2023). It encourages social workers to share ideas, information, and resources since collective knowledge helps practitioners and clients. These principles also prohibit workplace discrimination, harassment, and unfair practices, promoting an inclusive, supportive, and diverse workplace. The ethical norms in this area emphasize respect, cooperation, and inclusion as essential values for social work integrity and cohesiveness.

Provide a specific example of how a social worker would apply these ethical standards.

Sarah and John, two social workers, are working on a complicated case involving a youngster in a difficult household. According to Standard 2 of the NASW Code of Ethics, Sarah would show their practicality by:

1. Sarah treated John with respect and professionalism first. He was an equal participant in the case, so she listened to his views and experiences. She preserves decency and justice for coworkers by doing so.

2. Sarah and John shared their expertise, assessment results, and intervention techniques. Collaboration enables them to benefit from each other's skills and improve the child's results. This supports the code's focus on information sharing and peer assistance.

3. Sarah also worked to build a workplace without discrimination or harassment, promoting tolerance and diversity.

4. Sarah demonstrates Standard 2's ethical norms by respecting John, cooperating well, and establishing a workplace that appreciates every colleague's contribution, improving client care and support.

Reference no: EM133520482

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