Describe process you went through to accomplish installation

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131702731

Assignment: Wireless Technology Uses [Getting Started with MIDlet Development]

You will now gain experience in developing a wireless application. Your assignment is to read the below article and follow the other requirements below:

Article: Wireless Development Tutorial Part I By Jonathan Knudsen and Dana Nourie. Getting Started with MIDlet Development.

• Read the above article and install the software required both the J2SDK software development kit and the J2ME Wireless Toolkit. Describe the process you went through to accomplish the installation. Install the software in the order indicated in the above tutorial. If the tutorial calls for a different version of the software, don't worry about it -- just use the software included or referenced in the background materials.

• Provide evidence that you have completed the sample code in this tutorial and submit your finished sample. Briefly describe what you have submitted. Include zip files of screen shots of your project.

Reference no: EM131702731

Questions Cloud

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Challenge gender based pay differentials for jobs : When can Title VII be used to challenge gender based pay differentials for jobs that are not equivalent? Is there a difference between coverage.
What is the relationship between correlation and causation : What is the relationship between correlation and causation. Why is it important to understand this relationship
Record the note payable on january : Tony's favorite memories of his childhood were the times he spent with his dad at camp. Record the note payable on January 1, 2020,
Describe process you went through to accomplish installation : Describe the process you went through to accomplish the installation. Install the software in the order indicated in the above tutorial.
Does title vii apply to such partnership selection decisions : The firm's rules state that an associate passed over for promotion must seek employment elsewhere. Anderson was therefore terminated by the firm on December 31.
Mergers and acquisition and the affordable care act : Research consolidations, mergers and acquisition and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). What would you project to be the influence of any of these topics
Discuss machine operators are in their mid to late forties : The majority of the machine operators are in their mid to late forties, some with families, some without
Prepare a presentation on saudi arabias economic forecast : You need to prepare a presentation on Saudi Arabia's economic forecast for 2018 to 2020 and role and future of travel industry in it.


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JAVA Programming Questions & Answers

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Reprot on Hunt the Wumpus Game has Source Code listing, screen captures and UML design here and also, may include Javadoc source here.

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  Write a university grading system in java

University grading system maintains number of tables to store, retrieve and manipulate student marks. Write a JAVA program that would simulate a number of cars.

  Wolves and sheep: design a game

This project is designed a game in java. you choose whether you'd like to write a wolf or a sheep agent. Then, you are assigned to either a "sheep" or a "wolf" team.

  Build a graphical user interface for displaying the image

Build a graphical user interface for displaying the image groups (= cluster) in JMJRST. Design and implement using a Swing interface.

  Determine the day of the week for new year''s day

This assignment contains a java project. Project evaluates the day of the week for New Year's Day.

  Write a java windowed application

Write a Java windowed application to do online quiz on general knowledge and the application also displays the quiz result.

  Input pairs of natural numbers

Java program to input pairs of natural numbers.

  Create classes implement java interface

Interface that contains a generic type. Create two classes that implement this interface.

  Java class, array, link list , generic class

These 14 questions covers java class, Array, link list , generic class.

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