Reference no: EM131285554
Signature Assignment
Freshman Seminar - Life & Physical Sciences
Biology of Food
Core and A+CE Learning Outcome (A+CE SLO 2)
Utilize scientific processes to identify questions pertaining to biological sciences and design creative strategies to address an aspect of community misinformation regarding science.
A+CE assignment
Please answer the following questions in paragraph format. Each answer should take approximately 175-250 words to properly and completely answer. Spelling, grammar, syntax, and sentence structure must be correct and will contribute to your grade. References must be cited in your paper, and must be cited using APA style. You will submit your assignment as a MS Word file (.doc or .docx ONLY) at a link in BBL. This assignment is 10% of your course grade.
1. What is the issue regarding science discussion in the lay public and science reporting in social media and on the Internet? This question is asking you to clearly identify the problem, not discuss it in detail.
2. Before we began this project, what reasons did you believe contribute to people willing to believe and spread information that is not scientifically sound?
3. Describe how you found your myth - how did you seek and research popular media outlets and social folklore to discover food myths?
4. Describe your process of solving the problem of inaccurate science - compare and contrast the divergent ideas present in the myth vs. the fact.
5. Describe your novel method to promote the blog in social media - name the apps, web sites, and verbal methods used to share the blog website. Address whether you met any resistance to your accurate science promotion.
6. Explain the role of your myth in our society. After completion of this project, how do feel about your initial myth? Have you changed your thinking about this myth, and how have you transformed the opinion of others? What steps must be taken to continue the discussion of accurate science?
Meet organizational objectives
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Find the expression for the steady-state response
: Find the expression for the steady-state response x(t) of the block if Y = 10 mm and ω = 600 rad/s. Does x(t) lead or lag the imposed displacement y(t)
Summarize the main points of the class lectures
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Depending on the person and his or her values
: The answer to this question will vary depending on the person and his or her values and background. Some students are more focused on day-to-day personal needs and others on broader societal or global concerns. In general, most students would pref..
Describe process of solving problem of inaccurate science
: Describe your process of solving the problem of inaccurate science - compare and contrast the divergent ideas present in the myth vs. the fact.
Use of measures in staffing
: Conduct an Internet search and locate an article covering "Use of Measures in Staffing" (Chapter 7) Write a review of your article. Review must be at least one full page in length.
Describe the business problem and technology
: Select two topics. Briefly describe the business problem and technology in 50 words or less for each topic.
What should marketers know about package labeling
: What are the functions of packaging? What are some important elements of effective package design?- What should marketers know about package labeling?
Anthropocentric view of the human relationship
: Some people think that the word "stewardship" implies caring and protection; others think it implies an anthropocentric view of the human relationship to nature. What does the word "stewardship" mean to you?