Describe process-features of an american political campaign

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133749218

This week, we are going to learn from each other about elections and voting in the United States. Author an initial post responding to one of the writing prompts provided below. After your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers. Please format your replies according to the 3CQ reply guidelines. Please be sure to support your ideas by referencing course materials and your own experiences, research, and interests. Use formal citations when submitting all posts, following the APA norms.

  • Describe the process and features of an American political campaign. What is the purpose of a political campaign? How often do they happen? Who is involved? And what types of issues are discussed?
  • Identify and summarize one form of political participation. Find and summarize a recent news article that illustrates this type of political participation in action.
  • Summarize in detail one way that voting rights have been broadened or inhibited over time. Who or what were the specific people, court cases, laws, or events involved? What has been the impact on today's voting rights?


Reference no: EM133749218

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