Reference no: EM133675892
Chapter 10
1. Describe various principles identified in the medical code of ethics.
2. Explain medical staff organization and committee structure.
3. Describe the privileging and credentialing process.
4. Understand and describe common medical errors and how they lead to litigation.
5. Explain how the physician-patient relationship can be improved.
6. Describe common legal issues for behavioral health professionals.
7. Discuss the more common legal risk facing behavioral health professionals.
Chapter 11
1. Describe why the scope of nursing has been changing.
2. Describe the various roles of advanced practice nurses.
3. Describe the various legal risk for nurses..
4. Describe the various errors that can occur in the administration of medication.
5. Discuss why it is important to report significant changes in a patients conditions to the treating physicians.
6. If a nurse disagrees with a physicians written orders, discuss what actions the nurse should take to protect them patient safety.
7. Discuss under what circumstances a nurse has a duty to question patient care.
Chapter 12
1. Describe the fours common levels of EMS personnnel: emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, advance emergency medical technician, and paramedic.
2. Describe the wide variety of legal issues that occur in the emergency department setting.
3. Discuss the purpose of the emergency medical treatment and active labor act ( EMTALA)
4. Should medical advice be dispensed on the telephone.
5. Describe negligence-related risk when providing laboratory, nutritional, pharmacy, physical therapy, podiatry, radiology, respiratory, chiropractic, dentistry, and podiatric services.
6. Discuss why a hospital has a duty to provide adequate security on its premises.
7. Describe the purpose of a licensure, certification and, credentialing
8. Describe the importance of teamwork in the provision of patient care.
Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration, 14th edition