Describe principles of data abstraction and inheritance

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1369228

Java programmers can use class hierarchies for the purposes of inheritance. For example, given a Tree class, we could define Conifer and Deciduous sub classes that inherit from the parent Tree class as you can see here:

For this learning event, you should develop a similar class hierarchy for Plants. You can have whatever subclasses you think would be useful, but your hierarchy should have at least three levels (the top class, Plants, counts as the first level). Include variables and methods (at least one of each) for each class you design, as in the above example.

2. Explore the principles of data abstraction, inheritance and dynamic binding. Use the Library to get started on finding resources.You should take the terms and explain it, discuss how he or she thinks their principle relates to other programming principles like method overriding, and how it relates to Java as opposed to other programming languages. Please include examples in your work. Explain any relationship that may exist between these principles.

Reference no: EM1369228

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