Describe principles and practice of methods

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Reference no: EM133749194

Hyperuricaemia and Gout

Explain biosynthesis and degradation of purines.

Which method is most commonly used for urate estimation? Compare this with an alternate method, mentioning advantages and disadvantages.

Which clinical conditions are associated with hyperuricaemia and hypouricaemia?

What is the clinical utility of uric acid estimation in conditions such as gout, renal disease, pregnancy and malignancy

What is Uric Acid Nephropathy? How does this impact the kidneys?

What is Uric Acid Nephropathy? How does this impact the kidneys?

What is Uric Acid Nephropathy? How does this impact the kidneys?

What is Uric Acid Nephropathy? How does this impact the kidneys?

Questions for Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Question 1. Discuss the role of ADH, Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and any associated regulatory mechanisms in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance.

Question 2. Construct a diagram to show the distribution and balance of water in the body.

Question 3. What are the common causes of hyponatraemia? Include the effects of:

briefly explain, hypervolaemic, euvolaemic, and hypovolaemic hyponatraemia.

What can cause pseudohyponatraemia?

Question 4. What are the possible causes of hypernatraemia? Include the effects of:

Question 5. Describe principles and practice of methods commonly utilised for the measurement of sodium and potassium - include direct and indirect measurements. Discuss use of POCT for these parameters.

Roche Cobas pro ISE analytical unit

What is pseudohyponatraemia? What causes pseudohyponatraemia results using indirect ISE method and how can you correct this? Why not use direct ISE on all samples to eliminate this problem?

What are the possible causes of hypokalaemia?

Define the terms and relationship of Osmolality, Osmolarity and Osmolar Gap

Which one is measured and which is calculated? What is the method used for measuring and what is the equation used for calculating?

What other tests do we use to assess hydration status of a patient (except for electrolytes)?

What artefactual effects can cause abnormal/incorrect electrolyte results?

If you had a sample with a raised potassium, what investigations would you carry out to ensure that potassium result is correct and not artificially raised? Please relate your answer to the cause of the elevated result.

What is oncotic pressure? What is hydrostatic pressure? How do these relate to osmolality and fluid balance in the body?

Reference no: EM133749194

Questions Cloud

Who makes up the presidents cabinet : Who makes up the President's Cabinet? Go to the internet and search for the actual names of the 15 department heads and their title.
Identify a specific-real state agency : Identify a specific/real state agency. Identify the real stakeholders. How can you ease the problems of perception and Constitutional authorities?
Adult male patient who has been admitted for opiate detox : The psychiatric LVN/LPN has just received an adult male patient who has been admitted for opiate detox.
How did reading this article change your perspective : What did you learn from the article? If you were the owner of your own company, how did reading this article change your perspective, if at all?
Describe principles and practice of methods : Describe principles and practice of methods commonly utilised for the measurement of sodium and potassium - include direct and indirect measurements
Diagnosis of depression who has been prescribed imipramine : The psychiatric LVN/LPN is monitoring a patient with a diagnosis of depression who has been prescribed imipramine.
Do mental disorders influence criminal behavior : Do mental disorders influence criminal behavior? Many believe they do, but others just see them as an excuse. Is there such a thing as the born criminal?
Review of infection-immunity and tissue integrity : A review of infection, immunity, and tissue integrity. A few topics covered during this session include HIV, cellulitis, and lupus.
How has fake news impacted democratic processes : How has fake news impacted democratic processes, current events, or specific groups of people?


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