Describe primary sources of health news

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133617439


1. Describe the primary sources of health news you utilize to keep up to date on the latest trends related to COVID-19, RSV and their associated vaccine recommendations.

2. Provide an analysis of each news/media source you utilize. Determine whether you are getting credible and accurate information.

3. According to the Video in your reading/resources titled: Nurses Representation in the Media with Diana J. Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN, how often are nurses used as sources in media? Explain if this will change the way you obtain accurate news/media information?

4. Provide references 5 years or less.

Reference no: EM133617439

Questions Cloud

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What market characteristics lead to your determination : What market characteristics lead to your determination? Explain. What recommendations should the organization consider based on your analysis?
Describe primary sources of health news : Describe primary sources of health news you utilize to keep up to date on the latest trends related to COVID-19, RSV and their associated vaccine recommendation
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Covid-19 pandemic affected economy of countries : How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economy of countries and as well as the non-economic impacts? Define your answers.
Find out your chosen companys credit rating : Find out your chosen company's credit rating. Rating agencies such as Moody's and Standard and Poor's assign ratings to companies.
Child educational performance : What are some obvious and less obvious ways a communication disorder can affect a child's educational performance?


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