Describe possible psychological causes of your selection

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Reference no: EM133470817


As Jamal researched the factors that cause atypical patterns of human thought, emotion, and behavior, he had a revelation: Abnormal behavior is more complicated than many of us realize. For example, Jamal discovered that abnormalities in behavior can be caused by biological factors (e.g., genetics, neurophysiology, biochemistry). Also, abnormal behavior can be caused by psychological factors (e.g., severe emotional distress, grief, trauma). Finally, Jamal discovered that abnormalities in behavior can be caused by sociocultural factors (e.g., social norms, familial values). Of the many valuable takeaways of his research, Jamal found that abnormal behavior is a complex phenomenon that can have biological, psychological, and sociocultural causes. In many cases, it is not the result of one causal factor, but of several co-occurring, interdependent factors.

Given the dynamic interplay between biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors, the behaviors of various disorders often overlap, making the accurate diagnosis of psychological disorders a challenge for clinical professionals.

Part One

Describe the possible biological causes of your selection.

Describe the possible psychological causes of your selection.

Describe the possible social and cultural causes of your selection.

Describe the relationship between the biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors of your selection.

Part Two

Next, from the list in the Overview, select two disorders that are known to share symptomatology or behaviors.

Explain the ways in which the behaviors associated with the disorders overlap and discuss the potential diagnostic challenges presented by the overlap.

Reference no: EM133470817

Questions Cloud

Causes a physiological abnormality : Choose a psychological disorder and explain in detail how it is either caused by a physiological defect or injury, or how it causes a physiological abnormality
Fear memory consolidation-reconsolidation and extinction : Explain the difference between fear memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction.
What is problem-focused coping : What is problem-focused coping? Why is it important to learn about problem-focused coping and to teach children about it?
Identify patterns of mental illness : What are some of the areas of a client's life that might help a counselor develop/identify patterns of mental illness in a case conceptualization?
Describe possible psychological causes of your selection : Describe the possible psychological causes of your selection. Describe the possible social and cultural causes of your selection.
Define epistemology : Define epistemology and describe the 3 models of how certain we are that our perceptions mirror reality.
Counsellors to influence clients to adopt values : It is sometimes appropriate for counsellors to influence clients to adopt values that seem to be in the best interests of clients.
Counselling with range of presenting issues and priorities : Clients may present at counselling with a range of presenting issues and priorities.
Memory and sleep positive correlation : Find and summarize peer-reviewed journal article based on memory and sleep positive correlation.


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