Describe population used in the two research papers

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Reference no: EM13778969 , Length:

Research Review Paper Outline

- Select two published research papers for your review: The research paper must be published in a reputable journal such as the following: The New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of American Medical Association, The Lancet, or American Journal of Public Health

- Study hypothesis - a working assumption

- Summarize the working assumption used by the study researchers in the two research papers that you are planning to critique and review

- Population - describe the population used in the two research papers, for example

- Closed cohort - membership is defined by a given event, and no exit is possible

- Dynamic population - membership is defined by a given state, and exit occurs when the state terminates

- Study design - describe the study design used in the research that you are reviewing

- Experimental

- Observational

- Both

- The timing of the observations

- Cross-sectional study (i.e., the exposures, health conditions, and other

- Longitudinal study (i.e., since diseases occur over time, we normally

factors are recorded at the same point in time using prevalence data

without attempting to reconstruct the exposure history)

expect a longitudinal recording of exposures and diseases in the follow-up

study and in the case control study)

- Define the relevant etiologic time window

- What is the available knowledge of the conditions under study?

- What is the hypothesized effect of the exposure?

- Research study base - describe the research study base used for the research paper you

are reviewing

- Population sampling - describe the sampling approach used in the research (e.g.,

randomized cohort, case/control)

- Data type - describe the type of data collection used in the research paper

- Primary data - referred to as ad hoc data, or actual collection of data by

- Secondary data - referred to as antecedent data, is data collected primarily

researcher from a primary source or person

for other purposes and used in the study (e.g., data from medical files,

registration records, and so on)

- Both

- Statistical data - describe the statistics that were used in the research study

- Descriptive statistics - can be defined as those methods involving the

- Inferential statistics - can be defined as those methods that make possible collection, presentation, and characterization of a set of data in order to describe the various features of that set of data properly the estimation of characteristics of a population or the making of a decision concerning a population based only on sample result

- Conclusion - describe the conclusions that were made in the research and indicate

whether you believe these conclusions were valid or not

- Outline one or more study limitations and opportunity for further research

- Use at least two additional references or other research papers that confirm

whether these conclusions are valid


- Research Review Paper Format

- Your paper must be at least 8-10 pages in length (cover/research title pages and

references/bibliography pages do NOT count towards the total paper count)

- Times New Roman font, size 11

- Double-spaced

- Use APA format

- Use at least three references/sources such as following

- The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

- Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)

- The Lancet

- American Journal of Public Health

- If the above references/sources are not used, please submit the list of proposed references/sources with your outline for approval prior to using them as reference/source

Reference no: EM13778969

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