Describe political climate at time of those olympic games

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133655857 , Length: Words Count:400



Discussion Topic 1:

The purpose of this project is to help you understand how politics have been a persistent theme in the modern Olympic Games. Your will research will focus on one specific Olympiad. To develop an understanding of the issues and controversies for a specific Olympiad, conduct library research that will allow you to describe the political climate at the time of those Olympic Games and identify specific examples of how politics played a role in those Olympic Games. Select a specific Olympic Games (dating from 1936 to the present) to investigate and prepare a 300 to 400 word response that includes the following:

  • An introduction that sets the historical and political stage of the specific Olympic Games, discussing national or international circumstances, events, conditions, or issues that surrounded the games. Include where the games took place and consider whether or why the location may have played a role in what transpired.
  • A description of the specific political events that took place at the Games, including how the political action began (first showed itself), played itself out, and was resolved.
  • A conclusion that summarizes the political events.
  • A reference section that lists the three major references used by your group plus any additional materials you might have found.

Share your research with the class.

Discussion Topic 2:

Investigate in detail the uses that a specific religious denomination (e.g., Mormonism) makes of sport. What is the basic position of the denomination with regard to sport participation? Does the denomination sponsor games and sporting events? If so, why?

Reference no: EM133655857

Questions Cloud

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