Describe piaget-s and erikson-s social and moral development

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Reference no: EM13101345

Psychologists use biological aspects of aging, from birth through old age, to understand changes in behavior. One of aspects of human development is development of moral reasoning or, in more practical terms, maturing. In other words, social skill development is significant part of understanding how children, adolescents, and even adults interact with each other and make significant, often moral, decisions.

Two significant theorists who worked on childhood and moral development were Jean Piaget and Erikson. Write down essay comparing work of these two theorists.

Briefly explain Piaget's and Erikson's theories about stages of development.
Describe the differences and similarities between two theorists in how they approached development.
Describe whether Piaget's and Erikson's explanations of social and moral development are applicable to today's children.

Reference no: EM13101345

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