Reference no: EM133092942
Identify the characteristics of a successful project.
Describe the phases the project lifecycle.
Define the roles of the members of a project team.
Construct effective communications plans.
Evaluate strategies for managing project scope, time, cost, and quality.
Create project deliverables.
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.
Exploring interests to identify research problems
: What is the paradigm or perspective undergirding your research design? Propose how you might conduct further research to resolve the problem or fill the gap.
The pros and cons of current leadership model
: The pros and cons of the current leadership model, assess whether the current leadership model can sustain the new product, and note why or why not.
Leverage the tools and techniques in future
: Discuss the tools and techniques you learned and how they were a benefit to the project and/or how you would leverage the tools and techniques in the future.
Treasures of the humanities
: You through some of the treasures of the Humanities, and while it is impossible to touch on every culture or time era in one course,
Describe phases the project lifecycle
: Describe the phases the project lifecycle. Evaluate strategies for managing project scope, time, cost, and quality. Create project deliverables.
Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target
: Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target reactions in the Green Chemistry and Energy sectors - features of active sites on catalyst surfaces
Discuss the role of supramolecular chemistry
: Discuss the role of supramolecular chemistry in organic chemistry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology and Describe in situ measurements
Provide the cost formula for each mixed expense
: Using the high-low method, separate each mixed expense into variable and fixed expenses. Provide the cost formula for each mixed expense
Explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project
: Explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project and Devise experiments, carry them out and analyse the outcome of experiments either in-lab or in-silco