Describe or explain equitable remedies

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Reference no: EM131149244

Question 1: The U.S. Congress enacts a new federal statute that sets different standards for the liability of businesses selling defective products. This statute applies ____________________

only to matters not covered by state law.

only to those states that adopt the statute.

to all of the states.

to none of the states.

Question 2: What School of jurisprudential thought is reflected in documents such as the U.S. Constitution, the Magna Carta, and the United Nations Charter?

the Natural Law School

the Historical School

the Sociological School

the Analytical School

Question 3: The Analytical School of jurisprudence maintains that the law should be ________.

shaped by logic

based on social behavior

set by the ruling class

based on morality

Question 4: Which of the following describe or explain "equitable" remedies? Check all that apply.

Include money damages for pain and suffering.

Come in the form of a court order.

Are based on notions of fairness.

Can be enforced by the sanction of civil contempt of court.

Are always available.

Question 5: The federal government and the state governments constitute the U.S. legal system. This system is based on the legal system of ________________________

Ancient Greece.

Ancient Rome.



Question 6: A state law or regulation that impinges upon "interstate commerce" will:_______________________

Always be struck down.

Be balanced in terms of the state's interest in regulating a certain matter against the burden it places upon interstate commerce.

Always be upheld.

Require the approval of the President of the United States.

Question 7: Under the U.S. Constitution, the legislative branch of the government _____________________

administers the laws.

enforces the laws.

interprets the laws.

makes the laws.

Question 8: Fred, the president of Good Retail Corporation, claims that certain actions by the federal government and the state of Hawaii infringe on rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Most of these rights limit _____________________

neither the state government nor the federal government.

the federal government only.

the state government and the federal government.

the state government only.

Question 9: Household Furnishings, Inc., distributes its merchandise on an interstate basis. Under the commerce clause, Congress has the power to regulate _______________

any commercial activity in the United States that substantially affects interstate commerce.

only activities that are in intrastate commerce.

only activities that are in local commerce.

only activities that are not in commerce.

Question 10: Colorado enacts a statute that limits the liberty of all persons, including corporations, to broadcast "annoying" radio commercials. This may violate _____________________

equal protection.

procedural due process.

substantive due process.

the right to privacy.

Reference no: EM131149244

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