Describe one way that native american beliefs

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Reference no: EM133496033 , Length: word count:300

There are four Reflective Journal activities in the course, in Weeks 1, 3, 6, and 10. In each journal, you will use your writing, critical thinking, self-awareness, and social awareness skills to reflect on your experiences and opinions. As you read the course resources, participate in discussions, and work on your assignments, the journals may reflect shifts in your opinions or your approaches to issues and topics.


Chapter 7 in the textbook describes some of the basic beliefs underpinning Native American spirituality and tradition. Reflect on ways in which Native Americans' strong belief systems and cultural traditions shape everything from personal identity to ideas about self-governance. How might that make cultural assimilation to mainstream society particularly challenging or even undesirable for some Native Americans?

Write a one-page journal entry (approximately 250 words) in which you:

Describe one way in which Native American beliefs and traditions might make cultural assimilation challenging or undesirable.

Describe one way that Native American beliefs and traditions might help individuals maintain their cultural identity even if they assimilate in other ways.

Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements.
Your journal submission must follow these formatting requirements:

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment length.

No sources are required for this journal unless you are quoting or paraphrasing from a source. If you do use sources, choose ones that are credible, relevant, and appropriate, and cite your sources correctly. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Reference no: EM133496033

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