Describe one theoretical concept based on the readings

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Reference no: EM133487469

Discussion Post: Seeking Sustainability- Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago Faces Financial Challenge

Case Study: Seeking Sustainability: Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago Faces Financial Challenge, Harvard Business Case Study, 07/02. (Download from the Harvard Business School link as outlined on the syllabus) (Howard Husock, William Apgar, and Christine Letts), p. 1-24.

Instructions: To be done independently, you will answer the questions assigned below which relate to the case study for this week. The write up will be double-spaced, in either Calibri or Times New Roman with 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). Maximum page limit is 3 pages.

Question I. Describe one theoretical concept based on this readings which proved helpful in unpacking (aka deciphering) the case study. Select 1 concept and justify. (<1 page)

Question II. Based on this case study only, how would you define "sustainability" of which the case study references? In other words, how do the various actors in this case study conceptualize this construct which proves to be conflicting depending on the various actors' perspective. Choose 2 actors and explain their correct or incorrect understanding of "sustainability." (<1 page)

Question III. By using the information found in the Exhibits which are rich numerically, articulate 2 findings relating to the financial instruments involved which exacerbated the situation at hand in Chicago. This question is indeed evidenced based so please reference the specific exhibits in the case study which you are problematizing. (<1 page)

It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. You will upload your answers on Canvas upon completion.

New York City: Bloomberg's Strategy for Economic Development, Harvard Business Publishing Education 1 (2013).

Reference no: EM133487469

Questions Cloud

Reflect on the shifts in your own professional knowledge : critically reflect on the shifts in your own professional knowledge and this reflection will be done on the lesson plan that you made for english literacy
What parts of the infrastructure was impacted : What parts of the infrastructure was impacted? How were the networks recovered? How redundancy could have mitigated the impact of the disaster?
Define the expectations from the project sponsor. : Summarize five reasons why you selected the approach. Evaluate how the approach will work with the organization.
Legal addictive drug and illegal addictive drug : Describe the hazards of one legal addictive drug and one illegal addictive drug. What are the implications of the comparison?
Describe one theoretical concept based on the readings : Describe one theoretical concept based on this readings which proved helpful in unpacking (aka deciphering) the case study. Select 1 concept and justify.
What is the use of milestone in budgeting : What is the use of milestone in budgeting?
How did social media make us like babyl : How did social media make us like Babyl? Or, do you disagree? Then you must explain. And, what does it portend for American life do you think?
Research about eating disorders-obesity : Find an example of research about eating disorders, obesity, or sexual variants in the popular press
Explain how you got the answer and the process : idetify the different concepts used in every question so i can study them further. Also explain how you got the answer and the process.


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